I once came across a t-shirt that defined a dentist in the following way: “Dentist – noun. Someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand. See also wizard, magician.” Even as dentists, this feels peculiarly accurate as we attempt in a 10-minute consultation to dissect more than
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You have to appreciate modern day style. I can’t think of a time when such a multiplicity of trends and diversity of fashion have been more accepted – all of which makes my life a little easier when I’m left to the task of dressing my kids with whatever mixed array of outfits I can
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I’m beginning to slowly understand there are many stages to parenting. Having just recently ventured into the teenage realm, I say to myself, “Surely I didn’t act like this when I was that age.” It’s hard to believe how quickly your once energetic and helpful child is suddenly stricken with these intermittent phases of paralysis
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It’s a new year, and as I reflect on the intimate time spent over the holidays with family and friends, celebrating the season and appreciating those cherished moments of joy and giving, I can only sum it all up in four simple words: I ate too much. Yes, once again, we start the new year
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It’s the holiday season. It’s time to relish in the Yuletide spirit as we stuff our stockings and pad the floor beneath our trees with long awaited gifts and a bit of cheer. But as we carve the roast beast and invite visions of sugar plums to dance in our heads, let’s not forget to
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I grew up in West Texas, and most anyone from there is aware of the unique mineral content of water. My town was specifically known as “The Town without a Toothache” because the excess of fluoride in the water resulted in a decreased incidence of tooth decay. Coincidentally for me, my dentist would clean my
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February is National Heart Month, and to raise awareness, I would like to share a story. Before coming to our office, the wife of one of our patients told him that every time she visited our office, I was wearing a plaid shirt. He mentioned it to me, pointing out that he has only seen
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Fall has finally arrived. It’s an end to those hot, Texas summer days, and we can finally venture outside and enjoy those long missed outdoor activities in moderate upper to mid-90 degree temperatures. Before we know it, that northern cold front will coast in and send us into a chilling upper 80 degrees. All kidding
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My four year old son is one of those “rowdy” boys. Not only is he a roll down the stairs, swing from the rafters, and bounce of the wall kind of rowdy, but he’s also a great mentor for his two year old brother. Of course, when I find myself in the midst of him
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Every smile is different and unique. It’s important for us to feel comfortable sharing our smiles with others. Most often, the concern from patients that causes them to be unhappy with their smile is that their teeth are not “straight”. Having received orthodontic treatment twice, I can relate to this concern. Often times, orthodontic treatment
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