I once came across a t-shirt that defined a dentist in the following way: “Dentist – noun. Someone who solves a problem you didn’t know you had in a way you don’t understand. See also wizard, magician.” Even as dentists, this feels peculiarly accurate as we attempt in a 10-minute consultation to dissect more than
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I’m slowly beginning to understand there are many stages to parenting. Having just recently ventured into the teenage realm, I say to myself, “Surely I didn’t act like this when I was that age.” It’s hard to believe how quickly your once energetic and helpful child is suddenly stricken with these intermittent phases of paralysis
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One of the great frustrations in life is losing things. We often lose our keys, a remote, and, from my experience, some even misplace their floss. Of course, even more frustrating, when we can’t make out why we lost these things in the first place, we lose our minds. In dentistry, one of the most
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Have you ever been in a social situation where you just did not fit in? Like showing up to a costume party, only it’s not a costume party, or maybe one of those functions with your significant other where you don’t know anyone? Of course, my wife’s advice to me is always the same, “Don’t
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A specific author I enjoy reading delivered an inspirational “self-help” book in which one of his lessons for life is to “take care of yourself as though you are taking care of someone you care about.” It seems like a trivial message, but it happens all too often that some will focus on ensuring their
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It’s a new year, and as I reflect on the intimate time spent over the holidays with family and friends, celebrating the season and appreciating those cherished moments of joy and giving, I can only sum it all up in four simple words: I ate too much. Yes, once again, we start the new year
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You have to appreciate modern day style. I can’t think of a time when such a multiplicity of trends and diversity of fashion have been more accepted – all of which makes my life a little easier when I’m left to the task of dressing my kids with whatever mixed array of outfits I can
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As the old cliché goes, you are what you eat, and I believe it. For instance, who doesn’t think fruitcake eaters are slightly nutty, or honey lovers tend to be a bit sweet, and we all know if you’re brave enough to try roadkill, well, you’re probably dead meat. Of course, I can’t take all
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As school bells are ringing and all of our beloved progenies scamper back into daily routines of classrooms and lessons, we parents deserve a pat on the back and a chance to reward ourselves for accomplishing a seamless sendoff. With the new school year, and maybe a little extra time in our days, this could
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I’m beginning to slowly understand there are many stages to parenting. Having just recently ventured into the teenage realm, I say to myself, “Surely I didn’t act like this when I was that age.” It’s hard to believe how quickly your once energetic and helpful child is suddenly stricken with these intermittent phases of paralysis
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