I’m slowly beginning to understand there are many stages to parenting. Having just recently ventured into the teenage realm, I say to myself, “Surely I didn’t act like this when I was that age.” It’s hard to believe how quickly your once energetic and helpful child is suddenly stricken with these intermittent phases of paralysis
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One of the great frustrations in life is losing things. We often lose our keys, a remote, and, from my experience, some even misplace their floss. Of course, even more frustrating, when we can’t make out why we lost these things in the first place, we lose our minds. In dentistry, one of the most
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Have you ever been in a social situation where you just did not fit in? Like showing up to a costume party, only it’s not a costume party, or maybe one of those functions with your significant other where you don’t know anyone? Of course, my wife’s advice to me is always the same, “Don’t
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A specific author I enjoy reading delivered an inspirational “self-help” book in which one of his lessons for life is to “take care of yourself as though you are taking care of someone you care about.” It seems like a trivial message, but it happens all too often that some will focus on ensuring their
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It’s a new year, and as I reflect on the intimate time spent over the holidays with family and friends, celebrating the season and appreciating those cherished moments of joy and giving, I can only sum it all up in four simple words: I ate too much. Yes, once again, we start the new year
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We all know kids have an enigmatic fascination with video games. It is an ongoing encounter of countless hours of precious youth spent within a digital universe. When I used to teach, it was the popular response that my students wanted to “invent video games” when they grew up. As an adult, even I often
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If you ventured an outing at Chuck E Cheese’s recently, you may have observed the loss of the vintage novelty that is the manifestation of merriment itself: The Token. Yes, that cup of tarnished mouse engraved coins has been substituted for a plastic card, and like similar cards, it comes with a false sense of
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We are all creatures of routine. As a parent, one of my favorite routines is bedtime, specifically when it comes time to brush my kid’s teeth. Not because they make it easy on me, willingly standing still and opening their mouths for a full two minutes while I make perfect circles around their little pearls.
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